The aim of the SwedPedMed is to increase patient recruitment and to improve the number paediatric clinical trials in Sweden. By creating a network of medical doctors (paediatricans and other specialists) working with paediatric patients in all different medical specialties the number of clinical trials will improve. Being a member of SwedPedMed Investigators Registry you will have a possibility to participate in paediatric clinical trials and influence drug development in children.

SwedPedMed membership is based on voluntary registration in the SwedPedMed Investigators Registry and is free of charge. Registration is valid after completion of the validation process performed by the SwedPedMed Office. Registration is not associated with any obligations and the member may opt out at any time. SwedPedMed will provide its members with regular current information of special interest. The member gets the opportunity to get experience in the field and collaboration with investigators in national and/or European networks. Educative courses in clinical drug development, paediatric clinical pharmacology and alike will also be offered.
